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Open Source

👨‍💻 Open Source Code

YUKI Algorithm 2.0 [ Python + Matlab ]

POD_RBF Tool [ Matlab ]

YUKI_ANN [ Matlab ]

Optimization Test Functions (YUKI Algorithm 1.0) [ Matlab ]

Indoor localization Android App [ Android .APK ]

To be published, with detailed description. Available upon request at the moment

BLE indoor localization Android App Code [ Android Studio ]

To be published, with detailed description. Available upon request at the moment

💾 Open Source Datasets

Indoor localization [ 10 Beacons vs 1 Smartphone receiver ]

To be published, with detailed description. Available upon request at the moment

Human activity recognition [ Motion Capture, Accelerometer , OpenPose ]

Indoor localization [ 5 BLE Beacons vs 10 Bluetooth gateway receivers ]

To be published, with detailed description. Available upon request at the moment

Human Body Motion Tracking [ Smartphone IMU sensor ]

To be published, with detailed description. Available upon request at the moment


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